My team did not qualify for N@TM due to many issues that were not resolved in time. a few included our Cors Issue which is now resolved. As a team we struggled with communication and work management. In the end before N@TM, we were able to created a working frontend and backend. this allowed our features to work without a connection to the primary objective of this project. This overall still allowed us to create working features like games that have features within themselves.

To my CPT project I will finishing the adding of an additional feature of a meme generator which would allow players to input their own memes and generate memes. This would allow interaction with the database to update the database with new memes. After receiving much needed feedback, we learned that we needed to connect better to databases after that was what were were taught through the team teaches. Now, we are working on a more educational, diverse and deep project which could possibly allow us to score very high in the College board exam. I also feel like i wasn’t involved enough to the project at all and plan on bringing back what i need to do to help the team. I haven’t been asking questions or putting enough effort on this project yet.

A few things included minimal arguing and fights which let us work better. We were able to get feedback and learn what our mistakes were by talking more to Mr. Mortensen. And lastly I was able to grow closer to my teammates who i didn’t know very well before.

While coming up with the project, I looked at other groups work in other period and my own. A few examples includes Tarun T and Imaad M’s group whose project was intricate as it worked well socially as it used humor and day to day games. Another example was Aditiya D, Hanlun L, Trevor H, Mathew W, and Lakshanya S’s group. They worked very closly with API’s to integrate a sort of cookbook that could help users.

While I wasn’t at N@TM, i have friends in other CTE classes who have showed me their work. One of whom was Joshan T. He is in the Ceramics class where they work with clay to do pottery. He showed me how there were many different techniques to get the same objective done. He showed me how there was different hand techniques that were used to create pot lips and other techniques to heighten the clay for molding.