Polishing code with Chris and reviewing each other’s code.

Found that verifying user data was pointless so we commented it out through Tarun’s computer

Worked with Tejas to ensure the transfer of data was fully functional:

        document.getElementById('recipeForm').addEventListener('submit', function (event) {\n"
            const apiKey = '84cfe45628de456c87a13a80b76f5bd8'; // Replace with your Spoonacular API key\n"
            const ingredients = document.getElementById('ingredients').value;\n"
            const apiUrl = `https://api.spoonacular.com/recipes/findByIngredients?apiKey=${apiKey}&ingredients=${ingredients}`;\n"

Final backend code that I contributed to:

import json
from flask import Blueprint, request, jsonify
import requests
from flask_restful import Api, Resource # used for REST API building
from datetime import datetime

from model.users import User

recipe_api = Blueprint('recipe_api', __name__,

# API docs https://flask-restful.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html
api = Api(recipe_api)

class UserAPI:        
    class _CRUD(Resource):  # User API operation for Create, Read.  THe Update, Delete methods need to be implemeented
        def get(self, ingredients): # Create method
            api_key = '84cfe45628de456c87a13a80b76f5bd8'  # Replace with your Spoonacular API key
            url = f"https://api.spoonacular.com/recipes/findByIngredients?apiKey={api_key}&ingredients=" + ingredients
            response = requests.get(url)
            if response.status_code == 200:
                data = response.json()
                return jsonify(data)
                #return jsonify({"error": "Failed to fetch recipes."}), response.status_code
             return {'message': f'hello'}, 400
    # class _Security(Resource):

    #     def post(self):
    #         ''' Read data for json body '''
    #         body = request.get_json()
    #         ''' Get Data '''
    #         uid = body.get('uid')
    #         if uid is None or len(uid) < 2:
    #             return {'message': f'User ID is missing, or is less than 2 characters'}, 400
    #         password = body.get('password')
    #         ''' Find user '''
    #         user = User.query.filter_by(_uid=uid).first()
    #         if user is None or not user.is_password(password):
    #             return {'message': f"Invalid user id or password"}, 400
    #         ''' authenticated user '''
    #         return jsonify(user.read())


    # building RESTapi endpoint
    #api.add_resource(_CRUD, '/')
    #api.add_resource(_Security, '/authenticate')
    api.add_resource(_CRUD, '/getrecipes/<ingredients>')