function avgGradeCalc(array) {
    var grade = 0;
    var count = 0;

    jQuery.each(array, function(index, value) {
        grade += value;

    return grade / count;

var arry = [84, 83, 97, 93];
var averageGrade = avgGradeCalc(arry);

console.log("Your average grade is " + averageGrade + "%");
def palindrome_homework(word):
    return word == word[::-1]

user_input = input("Enter a word with only lowercase and 0 spaces: ")

if palindrome_homework(user_input):
    print("This is not a palindrome")


String Operations:

Length function finds the string length. String concatenation combines strings. Substringing extracts a range of characters.

String Algorithm - Palindrome:

Converts input string to a palindrome. Optionally duplicates the last character.

Popcorn Hack - Finding Index:

An algorithm to find the index of a character in a string.

Homework Hack for Strings:

Challenge to detect palindromes in strings.

Math Algorithm - Fibonacci Sequence:

Generates the first n Fibonacci numbers. Requires n > 1.

Popcorn Hack - Fixing Fibonacci:

Requests input to fix Fibonacci sequence code.

Sorting Algorithm - Bubble Sort:

Sorts an integer array with bubble sort.