Notes on the hacks:

Week 0:

  • Go to _config.yml to change the blog theme.
  • should be used for changing blog content
  • Google Markdown Cheatsheet or W3Schools HTML Tutorial for guidance.


  • /_posts/ has code for the calculator project
  • The calculator is simple for the theme and a good starting point


  • A more advanced calculator in a way with data storage and many other skills.

Tools and equipment:

  • Need computer
  • Draw freeform
  • Add self to the user database

Installation hacks:

  • I am using WSL for my type of shell commands
  • Annotate what we learn(notes)
  • Keep track of file locations
  • Keep updating things.
  • Running on local host and viewing github pages is different because local host only allows you to view your website or blog from your device. On the other hand, on GitHub, you can view a website from anywhere you want.
  • How do you change the domain name?


  • Must ask questions
  • No paper
  • Late work defended during office hours
  • High “A” is an exceeding the requirements grade.
  • A low “A” is meeting the requirements and expectations.
  • “B” has flaws and mistakes.
  • “C” lacks effort and tangibles.
  • Low “C” is missing school, disrupting class, and doing “inappropriate things”
  • Zero is plagiarism.