Learned that we cannot use teacher clone repo to hold the project.

Began transferring code to the new backend repo through Tarun’s computer.

Had only 1 commit for work check due to transfer. requesting points back

Stayed on local host for temporary ease.

Created a fail safe in case JSON data does not go through:

class UserAPI:        
    class _CRUD(Resource):  # User API operation for Create, Read.  THe Update, Delete methods need to be implemeented
        def get(self, ingredients): # Create method
            api_key = '84cfe45628de456c87a13a80b76f5bd8'  # Replace with your Spoonacular API key
            url = f"https://api.spoonacular.com/recipes/findByIngredients?apiKey={api_key}&ingredients=" + ingredients
            response = requestsget(url)
            if response.status_code == 200:
                data = response.json()
                return jsonify(data)
                #return jsonify({"error": "Failed to fetch recipes."}), response.status_code
             return {'message': f'hello'}, 400