# Get the number of students from the user
n = int(input("How many students are there?"))

# Create a list of grades for each student
ListOfGrades = [float(input("Enter the grade of student " + str(i + 1) + ":")) for i in range(n)]

# Initialize a variable to calculate the sum of grades
sumvalue = 0

# Calculate the sum of all grades
for grade in ListOfGrades:
    sumvalue += grade

# Calculate and print the average grade of the class
average_grade = sumvalue / n
print("The average grade of the class is:", average_grade)
import math

# Calculate the base-2 logarithm of 20
value = math.log2(20)

# Check if the value is a floating-point number or an integer
if float(value) > float(int(value)):
    # If it's a floating-point number, round it up to the nearest integer
    value = int(value) + 1
    # If it's already an integer, keep it as is
    value = int(value)

# Print the worst iteration count for binary search
print(value, " is the worst iteration count for binary search")


The answer is A because the program doubles all the elements within the list


List Operations:

Access, assign, insert, append, remove, check length, and iterate through lists.

Python vs. Pseudo Code for Lists:

Comparing Python and pseudo code syntax for list operations.

Popcorn Hack:

Adding 5 to a list between indexes 4 and 6 in both Python and pseudo code.

Pseudo Code and Python Examples:

Examples for summing even numbers in a list and finding the minimum value in a list.

Binary Search:

Explains binary search, a fast search method. Presents a worst-case scenario with 4 iterations. Provides Python code for binary search.

Big O Notation:

Explains Big O notation, a measure of runtime efficiency. Lists common notations, including O(1), O(log n), O(n), O(2^n), and O(n!).